Why us?

WebraLab is a community
We design
We create
We represent

We are in continuous contact with our customers 24 hours a day

We will be partners in these fields

business strategy

background analysis, research, business plan preparation, product analysis

Graphic design

creative branding development, correction, updating


content, funnels, business communication, customer service


marketing plan, advertising management,

web development

web design, programming, hosting,
switch hosting, emails


website maintenance, website management, Social Media management

background analysis

business plan

We build a personal relationship with our Customers, so they help us to determine the market position of their company. The goals of the given company can be defined in a more purposeful way by our analysis of similar companies in industry and local. All economic and financial information is treated confidentially, and we act in accordance with the principles of the GDPR. We explore the presence of competing companies as well, analyse and track their participation in different media platforms.

In accordance with existing or to be developed plans, we define the goals for the future of the company and the way we can achieve them. We select the Target Audience, find the right product, the right communication style. We delegate the resources, and decide the time limits. Furthermore, we use a cloud-based project management platform, which we edit and review together continuously. 

Creating a marketing plan

branding development, correction, renovation

To avoid making erroneous sales and advertising decisions, We need to plan at least one year ahead so we may designate the right tools to acquire and retain Customers. We prepare market analysis, we determine the target group, the competitive advantages, the tactical elements of marketing, the set targets. We choose personalized marketing strategies and communication direction, which we comprehensively represent on all platforms.

In order to build a long-term and reliable relationship between the company and the Custumers we represent our Clients according their brand. To this end, we shape the image elements of the website and Social Media, the visual and textual content, and the general tone towards the Customers together with our Partner. We can even create an image manual – book, with the help of which the Customer can more easily acquaint their colleagues with the desired communication strategy. We have a graphic and programming background; we can create every element of the corporate identity style and represent it in the media. We can also provide typographic and printing assistance for the production of offline materials, by delivering the finished material right to the door of our Partner, we can be partners for our Customers even in distribution.

website development, redesign

Social Media

We develop custom built websites and webshops. Due to their specific design, they are very likely not to be victims of an external attack. We also use the most popular CMS systems like 

WordPress, WIX, Squarespace, Magento, Shopify, Prestashop, Joomla, Shoprenter

in order to help our Customers to be able to change the content if they wish so. We even teach our Customers how to manage their website independently. We help to choose a domain name, a hosting service provider and we manage the domain name registration.

Participation in social media is nearly obligatory nowadays, but effective communication and presence necessitate an experienced mindset. We develop and manage our Customers’ Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Youtube, Twitter, TikTok (or any other desired platform) profiles, optimizing them primarily for two-way conversation, sharing, and advertising, thereby promoting the Brand. To gather and use the Customer’s legitimate information, whether directly or indirectly, we must collaborate to design a plan that can be tailored to our Customer’s demands. All of these objectives must be met while adhering to relevant regulations, confidentiality, and GDPR

Customer Care

Creating Advertising Accounts

The interpretation of customer service has changed with the use of social media platforms and Artificial Intelligence. The new direction almost requires that Customers are getting an immediate response when they contact us. Sales and product support also benefits significantly if the Business is available for free with any of the instant messaging platforms. The use of Messenger, Whatsapp, and chatbots, while not seemingly complicated, is time consuming, and it is definitely worth for the Company to outsource these operations. To do this, of course, we must have an appropriate knowledge of the product or Company, so we can communicate with ease with Customers. This is a continuous learning curve between the Customer and us if we represent the customer care. In case of international sales, we are available 24 hours a day, in all time zones, so we can give immediate answers to Customers.

By advertising on Google and Social Media Platforms, we can reach a personalized audience that can be geographically defined even for a single street. We can specifically select the targeted groups interests to help you generate the right conversions while keeping costs lower. The account management is completely transparent, it can be pre-paid using the Company’s own credit card, or occasionally month by month. Online ads tailored to your chosen budget are now managed by a separate profession.

Ad Management

Graphic design

Ads need to be managed, analyzed, and reviewed regularly. The almost unattainable advantage of an online presence is that everything can be monitored and counted. We can make changes in your campaigns at any time, both in terms of content and costs. We can only make responsible decisions if we get to know and analyze the data, for which the Advertiser will usually need external help, like us. 

Back End

The server side is the technical background of the website, a specific coding workflow that cannot be entrusted to anyone. We create websites with scripting languages like PHP or Ruby on Rails. This way we can build a special code system that is almost impossible to crack, to blackmail, which is very resistant to phishing attacks. 

Front End Management

Everything you can see and read is in a website is in the hand of the Front End Management. Our virtual footprint fundamentally determines the Customer / Visitor experience. In order to have an informative, stylish, well-designed, interactive yet converting website, we need to create a type of Front End Management that constantly monitors the activities of the visitors, and shapes the “exterior” accordingly.

A well-chosen Graphical Element can make a Company successful. Even a logo or a talkative and informal site title can help Customers to remember the name of the website by associating a product with a particular service provider. The graphic elements accompany the business throughout its operation and are closely related to it. Even a Facebook post can be decisive, sometimes a viral content elevates a website, a webshop to such a height that the number of visitors increases as much as never before. As a result, it is critical to maintain a unified image, to communicate consistently while being able to constantly renew, to follow trends while standing out from the crowd. To be loud and heard is not the same as to be annoying.

This requires a graphics designer professional. Of course, a well-functioning profile on Social Media is worth nothing without the personal content. We encourage all our partners to take more self- made photos and videos of their services. If this is not possible, we go to the Company regularly and we prepare them with our professional equipment. However, the resulting material is not yet ready. Cutting, coloring, adding appropriate content, so-called CALL TO ACTION attributes, must be assigned in order to bring real traffic to the site and to strengthen the brand.

Business Development Plans

Blog Writing and Content Marketing

We receive reviews, comments from Customers almost instantly on our website and Social Media profiles. Anyone who thinks really consistently may have to deal with real time answers, with other product combinations or other services, filtered from these feedbacks. We can monitor Customers behaviors based on Analytics. We are also partners in the preparation of the Feasibility Studies, even in several languages.

Virtual Assistance

Have you ever, while trying to focus on your work, noticed that you are handling formal affairs? Things you don’t want to hire a full-time colleague for, ones that you know exactly aren’t your cup of tea , yet you have to do? Have you ever been lost in Online Administration? Or maybe they piled up the mails and just because of his work couldn’t answer them? For these occasions, we can provide Virtual Assistance, which is billed on an hourly basis. It is available exactly when you need it.

Google Analytics Account

Google is our friend. This is a slogan, and that is indeed the case. Since 2007, this service has also been available in several languages, with which detailed reports and presentations can be prepared about the visitors of the website. However, data that is very useful in optimizing advertising campaigns may not be clear for the first sight. We understand Analytics. We love data. We see where the traffic is coming from, follow where the visitor is going, how much time they are spending on our site, what they are looking at and what is getting their attention. But in order for our Partners to understand this, we have to translate data to words, a language that they can actually understand.

The organic traffic of a website or webshop is significantly increased if it is constantly updated with informal content. Content written in this professional way and supported by research or based on personal experiences is often taken over by other sites, or even larger portals. With that we generate traffic to our site for free. Content Marketing is also one of our services, with educational and entertaining content we guide the Customer almost unnoticedly to buy the Product, to follow the Brand. A content shared, placed on an independent website is the best way to convince Customers that the product is Real, Valuable, and Well-Supported.

SEO and SEM optimization

Search engine optimization / SEO is a tactical process that requires constant attention and strategic decisions. In fact, there are only a few people who search the Google Results at length and with attention, so we should try to put our Customers site as high as possible at the first page. The more relevant the content is to the search terms, the more likely it is that the Visitor will open the page. Of all the traffic that comes to our site, perhaps the most valuable one is what comes organically to us. But only if a Visitor actually stays on the site, makes a purchase, or generates some conversion. SEO only works well if we are constantly developing, adjusting and tracking the activities of our Visitors. This is a double-game. A match between the SEO Specialist and the Visitor, according to strict rules. The topic of SEM / Search Engine Marketing actually includes everything we want to do to influence the results of Google, Yahoo, Bing and other search engines in order to get our own site higher.