These days, everyone has a digital footprint what yours is like is up to you

web design branding strategies online presence product design e-commerce Content Strategy Social Media Google Services

Webralab is an online presence planning agency where we have an alternative way of thinking.

We offer our services to small and medium-sized businesses and since we work with external partners, we can cover almost all needs:

Webdesign, programing, Social Media management, Google services, SEO optimization, Google Ads, packaging, shipping and logistics solutions, interpretation and video editing.

We collaborate with professional partners. Grouping our resources, we work online in a particularly convivial atmosphere. We have designed our monthly fee services according to the needs of our customers. Individual packages can also be arranged based on your chosen budget. We set up a team that will most efficiently fulfil the assignment. Our customers only have to discuss their needs with one person – the work takes place in the background. Our goal is to create a relationship in which we, also, are part of the success of your business – a genuine partnership. Our work is completely transparent and the costs are agreed in advance. We work online – our company only issues e-invoices and draws up e-contracts. We store data in the cloud, with an overall emphasis on strong security.

we are WebraLab 

Ilona Horvath – backend developer, programmer. 
Originally an art teacher, also studied graphic design and digital media. In the last 10 years, she has designed and programmed many websites and webshops. Complex tasks are her favorites, be it be any kind of programming, graphics or proofreading.

Agota Weiszgerber – frontend developer, copywriter. She has an iconic background in gastronomy and hospitality. There aren’t very many people she cannot interact with; she has a very clear way of presenting her point of view accurately and positively. She will be your privileged partner, who will understand exactly what you really want and seeing how it can be represented on the internet.

we do not work alone


The reason is that one or two people would not be able to combine the professions needed to create the perfect website, web store, online business. Over the years, we have worked with many excellent colleagues – we can work with these external collaborators at any time as part of our team.
Depending on what is needed for a given project, be it a system administrator, a packaging designer, an applied graphic artist or a publisher, we are in touch with already recognized professionals. Although we have a one to one relationship when discussing your project, there are many people working with us. Our clients are usually very grateful that they don’t have to explain over and over again how they want to see themselves projected on the World Wide Web.